Security Fencing is usually 8-feet high or taller and is topped with a minimum of three strands of barbed wire.

High Security Fence can mean many things to many people, but generally it is a combination of wire fencing fabric or panels topped with razor wire, barbed wire, concertina wire or any combination of these products.
Other forms of high security fencing could include welded wire, anti-climb mesh, expanded metal, spiked picket steel fence, wall spikes and electrification.A fence installation specialist can more readily explain these terms. In addition, a ‘mow strip’ will sometimes accompany a high security fence. Normally these mow strips are a minimum of 12-inches wide and 6-inches deep and they serve to keep vegetation off the fence and identify areas of potential digging. These are very common on prison fencing projects.
Who uses high security fence? By far the primary users of these products are correctional institutions that use a combination of most of the previously mentioned products.
Correctional facilities would add concertina wire, anti-climb mesh, man traps manual and automatic bollards and on site guards to upgrade to its security requirements.

Sensitive military, government and nuclear power plants use all of the components previously mentioned and add fence shaker systems, infrared devices, cable reinforcement and anti-ram devices (K-12 rated anti- ram rating) to complete its security requirements.
Military bases and federal government facilities also use this type fencing in conjunction with anti-ram systems that are
K-rated (hyperlink).
Airports, fuel depots, power stations and chemical plants are common users of high security fence. Local courthouses also find high security fence useful.
When developing a plan regarding what degree of security is required to protect your fenced area it will most often start with a high security fence.
A typical high security fence installed at an airport consists of an 8-foot high fence with three strands of barbed wire, video surveillance and a card in card out access control system.
Correctional facilities would add concertina wire, anti-climb mesh, mow strips, man traps and on site guards to upgrade to its security requirements
Sensitive military, government and nuclear power plants use all of the components previously mentioned and add fence shaker systems, infrared devices, cable reinforcement and anti-ram devices (K-12 rated anti-ram rating) to complete its security requirements.
K4 barriers will stop a 15,000 pound vehicle traveling at 30MPH
K8 barriers will stop a 15,000 pound vehicle traveling at 40MPH
K12 barriers will stop a 15,000 pound vehicle traveling at 50MPH

We hear the term security fence, gated community and secure environment all the time. As I stated in the beginning, high security fence can mean many things depending on the project scope and scale.
Homeowners may consider a 6-foot high privacy fence a security fence, but the keyword here is privacy and though it does help with intrusion it is not officially term high-security.
Gated communities provide barriers to traffic, however they offer very little deterrent to pedestrian intrusion. Chain link fences 6-feet high or less, even with barbed wire, are not what the fence industry considers High Security Fence simply because of the lower height of the fence.
The key point in planning a High Security Fence project is to remember the 8-foot or higher industry specification.
Border High Security Fence has been in the news both in this country and Israel as a deterrent against illegal entry across the borders of both countries. As with all high security fence systems a combination of fence material, anti-ram, anti-terrorism and surveillance products are integrated to suit the degree of security desired at a specific location.
All of the products mentioned working in conjunction with an access control system combine to form a high security environment for each specific customers fencing project.
High Security Fence has never been in greater demand. When you hear different terms like ATFP and ASTM fence know that there are many perspectives on the meaning of High Security Fence.
Always ask your chosen Professional Fence Contractor what they consider "high security" for your exact job specifications. You now have the basics but they should do the heavy lifting for you.